Sexual Abuse Therapy For Men
Sexual Abuse Therapy in Overland Park, KS
Did you know that approximately one in six men are survivors of sexual violence?
Yet male survivors of sexual abuse often suffer in silence.
Male sexual abuse survivors face unique challenges regarding their abuse.
Maybe you told someone about your abuse and weren’t believed. Maybe you were told that you “wanted it to happen.” Or maybe you’ve never spoke about your abuse to anyone because you’re afraid of how people might react.
As a male trauma therapist, I understand the unique challenges men face. I want to help you process your abuse in a healthy way so you can finally be free from it.
Men are often led to believe lies about their sexual abuse. Some of these lies are:
That you wanted it to happen
That you must have initiated it
That your body reacting a certain way means you enjoyed the abuse
That you should have been strong enough to stop it
That men aren’t actually sexually abused
After experiencing sexual abuse, it’s normal to:
Feel scared, confused, ashamed, or angry
Try to forget about the abuse or pretend like it didn’t happen
Not tell anyone because you’re afraid of how they might react
Experience nightmares, flashbacks, panic attacks, or upsetting memories about the abuse
Dissociate, or feel disconnected from your environment or your body
None of these reactions are reasons to be ashamed, but they are good reasons to seek help.
What happens in sexual abuse therapy?
One of the most important parts of sexual abuse therapy is establishing a relationship built on mutual trust and respect.
We need to make sure your environment is safe and that your basic needs are met before processing your abuse. I’ll also teach you coping skills you can use to manage your symptoms.
Whenever you’re ready, we’ll revisit your abuse using a treatment plan that feels right for you. This will be hard work, but I’ll be with you every step of the way.
Reconnection is about building healthy relationships with the people you love. Healthy relationships heal abuse, and we need to make sure you have people in your life who can support you on this journey.
If you have more questions about what happens in sexual abuse counseling, check out this article I wrote.